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Flea and Tick Policy

Cut & Bubble strive to be a Flea and Tick free environment, if your dog has Fleas or you suspect that they may be present please reschedule your appointment to a time when your pet is free from the infestation. If you need to cancel your booking please make sure you give us at least 48hrs to avoid a cancellation fee.  


We recommend that you contact your Veterinary Surgeon to provide you with information to the best treatment.  


If you arrive with Fleas on your dog we will refuse the groom and you will be charged the full price. 


If Fleas are discovered during the groom we will use a Flea shampoo and we will be required to fumigate the van and equipment. An additional charge of £25 will be charged to your bill to help cover our costs. 


If Ticks are found an additional charge of £5 will be charged to your bill for their removal. We will not be held responsible for any infection caused by the Tick or its removal.  


Sooner or later every pet owner will probably have to deal with a flea infestation. We recommend that prevention is better than cure. Flea and Tick infestations can be harmful to the health of your pets and if this spreads to your home can be costly and take a long time to get clear of them. Please talk to your Veterinary Surgeon to take advise for a suitable ongoing treatment plan.   



Prevention is better than cure 

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